Friday, 1 January 2016

Fast Lane Shopping - Hallelujah!

The answer to every speedy shopper in the UK's prayers looks like its in the process of being answered...FAST TRACK LANES!

I've been seeing a lot about this on social media and in articles recently - oh my goodness do I hope it follows through.

Currently its only being tested out in an Argos store in Liverpool - fingers crossed its a success and ends up appearing everywhere. I don't know about you guys but it has to be one of my biggest pet hates when I'm in a rush and can't get past the hundreds of people that feel the need to stroll at a beyond causal pace - UGH! 

The face we all pull in THAT situation. Chanel Oberlin you're our spirit animal.

But what do you guys think? Are you for or against? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Love, Lana Skye x 

GIF Credit: Google. 



  1. Hi, just wanted to let you know that Fast Track has been launched in Argos since May 2015. I work in an Argos store in Newcastle, they have launched Fast Track all over the UK.

    1. Oh wow really!? That's great news thanks for letting me know!


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