Over the past few weeks, the key focus in our lectures & seminar's has been colour.
Learning about and creating colour palettes was the starting point of the project.
I think the key knowledge I gained is that the strength of certain colours has an impact on if a colour advances or recedes. This basically means that warm colours such as red advance making them greedy and cool colours such as pale blue recede making them shy. As you can see from the image above, I played around on Photoshop using Blake Lively's gorgeous tribal cape, thinking about the selection, relationship and proportion between each colour.
After this task, we were placed into groups of 3 or 4 and asked to pick a colour from a category. We chose the complex colour 'Military Green'. I went away and created a Pinterest board in my own time (https://www.pinterest.com/lanaskyecaven/complex-colour-story-green-of-a-military-nature/)
In the IT Seminar that followed, we were given an image and asked to play around with pixels and colouring, using the colour we had chosen.
I loved this task as it improved my Photoshop skills (i'm currently pretty useless on it but hopefully that will change) and it formed the basis for the main part of the colour project we were set next.
I think every single person in my year of FCP will say they felt intimidated by the 'Make It' challenge. In simple terms, we had to think of a story/narrative surrounding our colour, purchase/collect props that would visualise it, plan and complete a photo shoot, edit our images and lay them out nicely and then present our final image to the group (so not very simple at all!)
After a lot of hard work, this was my groups finished product:
After this task, we were placed into groups of 3 or 4 and asked to pick a colour from a category. We chose the complex colour 'Military Green'. I went away and created a Pinterest board in my own time (https://www.pinterest.com/lanaskyecaven/complex-colour-story-green-of-a-military-nature/)
In the IT Seminar that followed, we were given an image and asked to play around with pixels and colouring, using the colour we had chosen.
I loved this task as it improved my Photoshop skills (i'm currently pretty useless on it but hopefully that will change) and it formed the basis for the main part of the colour project we were set next.
I think every single person in my year of FCP will say they felt intimidated by the 'Make It' challenge. In simple terms, we had to think of a story/narrative surrounding our colour, purchase/collect props that would visualise it, plan and complete a photo shoot, edit our images and lay them out nicely and then present our final image to the group (so not very simple at all!)
After a lot of hard work, this was my groups finished product:
We ultimately wanted to move away from the negative connotations associated with the colour such as war, adding a bit of lightheartedness to the subject instead! We did however stay in keeping with the military theme through the use of 'bomb' in the title and the boiled sweet as they were very popular during war time.
Yes thats me and yes my lips were stained green for days after, but it was so worth it!
I can't wait for the projects to come (one of which we were set right after presenting this one - no rest for the wicked!)
Love, Lana Skye x
Hi, I loved this post- I really want to study Fashion Communication next year (hopefully at NTU) so it's nice to see what sort of things you do on the course. ☺️
Hi! Thankyou so much I'm glad you liked it! Expect more posts like this one, I'm planning on posting about all of the projects we're given after they're completed so I can talk about the process! Lana x