Friday, 20 May 2016

Just When We All Thought The Selfie Craze Had Reached It's Peak

It now seems that we could all reach a point where were able to buy things online with the blink of an eye!

Internet based retailer 'Amazon' recently filed a patent application for a new security system, meaning items could by paid for by merely taking a couple of selfies. They feel this would eliminate the risk of customers passwords being hacked. 

The first selfie is said to establish the buyer's identity.
The second selfie is said to show a clear movement from the previous image, to determine that the buyer wasn't holding up a static photograph. 

I personally don't know how to feel about this crazy development. It's such a brilliant idea but it would just result in me buying so much more online due to it's easy-to-use nature! Nevertheless, I hope Amazon's plans come to life!

What do you think?

Love, Lana Skye x 

Photo Credit: Amazon. 


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