Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Two Of The Best Books I Own

FCP life is back in full swing, with multiple new and exciting deadlines being set leading me right up until the end of my first year at university. 

I was recently set a few books to study during my reading week. I found them all really interesting but two of them in particular really struck a cord with me.

The two I'm talking about are written by Paul Arden. He was the Creative Director of Saatchi and Saatchi as well as becoming a very successful author - being responsible for the worlds best selling book.

I thought it would be cool if I shared with you all the top 10 things I learned from each book!

Paul Arden - It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want To Be

1. Your vision is your greatest asset.
2. Aim beyond what you're capable of.
3. Being exceptionally clever while at school doesn't secure success in life.
4. Put your all into what you're doing RIGHT NOW.
5. Don't be afraid to work with the best.
6. Knocking your competition publicises them more than you.
7. Energy is everything.
8. Be ambitious.
9. Don't promise what you can't deliver - anything extra is a bonus.
10. Solve your problems by not playing by the rules. 

Paul Arden - Whatever You Think, Think The Opposite

1. Making bad decisions is a learning curve.
2. Be different - people will notice you more and remember your name. 
3. Don't be trapped by sensible decisions. 
4. Stop wishing and start doing. 
5. Don't live excitement through other people. 
6. Stop being a perfectionist - fix it as you go. 
7. Present yourself in a way you want others to value you. 
8. Ideas are a matter of taste.
9. Don't delay tactics - GO TO WORK.
10. Turn up to everything, all of the time. 

I hope that after reading that you've got the same feeling I had - that you're capable of doing anything as long as you focus and work proactively towards any goals you may have!

I'm so thankful that these two books were on my reading list, I urge everyone to go out and buy them.
They're so easy to read but leave you feeling ridiculously positive.

Love, Lana Skye x 

Photo Credit: Myself. 


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