Hi! If you're reading this then you're experiencing my first ever blog post, at this moment in time i'm completely clueless so you'll have to bare with me. When I was contemplating what to post I really couldn't decide, but then I thought hang on a minute Lana you've just got home from the trip of your dreams a.k.a New York City so why not talk about that!!
I honestly don't even know where to begin, it sounds like such a massive cliche but ever since I was a little girl i've always wanted to visit the city. I completely fell in love with all of the amazing pictures people would post on Instagram (yes i'm a stalker) and was so determined that one day I would get there myself. I waited a while but on the 20th June 2015 my dream finally became a reality!!
In my family, we're lucky enough to go on quite a few holidays each year but all we do is chill out by the pool, so I knew that New York would be a completely different experience for me, but I can hands down say I absolutely adored it. Yes I was tired (jet lag is an absolute killer) and yes it was soooooo hot that I had to keep buying myself Oreo Iced Coffee (seriously not complaining on that front) but when you're there you just have to power through because there is SO MUCH TO SEE AND DO!
I went on the trip with my Mam who I am extremely close too and luckily she's visited the city quite a few times through her previous job and Christmas shopping trips so she knew the ropes, but even though its such a big place I really got the hang of finding my way around which I loved! As soon as we touched down it was just non-stop sightseeing and shopping, my poor feet have never been so tired in their lives as we literally must've walked for about 200 miles in total!
The trip was actually part of my 18th birthday present but all of the money I took with me I had saved for months on end because I wanted it to be the biggest shopping spree EVER and New York did not disappoint. I think out of everything I bought my Tiffany purchases are my favourite. On the first day we caught a cab to the huge Tiffany store on 5th Avenue (if you're as obsessed with Audrey Hepburn and the film 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' as I am then you'll understand how much of a big deal this was). I genuinely can't put into words how amazing that store is, all of the staff are so polite and the decor is to die for, they even have a designated Tiffany lift man who presses the buttons in the lift for you he was so cute!
Of course, we went to see all of the sights, like visiting The Statue of Liberty, The Rockerfeller Center, Central Park, the list could go on forever, but before I knew it it was time to leave! Here is a very small portion of the one hundred million photos I took while I was there!
First stop 5th Avenue! |
Champagne on the plane to kick off the best trip ever! |
Quick picture from inside a cab! |
The Flatiron building. |
Lunchtime cocktails at The Mercer in Soho. |
We were so lucky to have such amazing weather! |
Tiffany's in SOHO |
Tiffany make sunglasses...who knew!? |
The view from our hotel was incredible! |
Posting pictures of my purchases to Instagram (@LanaSkyeCaven) |
Cupcake with a view. |
Prettiest packaging! |
I had too... |
Bottle of champagne before going to see The Book Of Mormon a.k.a
the funniest show ever! |
The nicest meal of the whole trip at Beauty and Essex. |
Diamond in the rough. |
It fills me with so much excitement to say that i'll be returning to new York in January of next year with my university course. I've just begun my first year at Nottingham Trent studying 'Fashion Communication and Promotion' (blog posts on this to follow).
Love, Lana Skye x
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