Friday, 6 November 2015

Steampunk Coffee - North Berwick

As promised, 'Steampunk Coffee' is the place (coffee shop to be more precise) that I wanted to blog about, I'm quite frankly obsessed!

As a family, we visit North Berwick quite a lot but didn't notice this little needle in the haystack until a year or so ago. The high street in the village is teaming with different coffee shops so we never really felt the need to venture out and look for other ones, but we're so glad we did.

I think the main reason why I love it so much is because it's so different compared to your typical coffee shop through it's decor. Yes, there seems to have been an increase in the 'stripped back' look within restaurants and cafe's, but this one definitely seems to have some sort of edge.

If you were just walking past Steampunk, you wouldn't even know it was there as the outside is pretty plain apart from one small piece of signage on the wall of the building.

The interior is filled with exposed lightbulbs and roof sheathing which would automatically make you think it was quite a horrible and cold environment to be in, but the quirkiness of the place makes up for it completely.

Not to mention THE FOOD. If I lived in North Berwick permanently I would be in there everyday without a doubt! (The warm cookies and granola trifle's are to die for).

 Part of me thinks it strange that i'm so attracted to this type of place as typically i'm a bit of a girly girl - all I can say is if you have the chance to go then please do, you won't be disappointed!

I hope you liked this short and sweet review.

Like them on Facebook: Steampunk Coffee
Follow them on Instagram: @SteampunkCoffee

Love, Lana Skye x


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