Monday, 16 November 2015

Essena O'Neill - "Social Media Is Not Real Life"

One evening last week I was scrolling down my Facebook feed (procrastinating as usual) when I came across an article written for Glamour Magazine surrounding this girl...

Essena O'Neill.

Unless you've been hiding under a rock, then you too will have been made aware of her in the past week or so.

Long story short, she was an 'Instagram Model' who's popularity began at the tender age of 15. Since then, her fan base and followers grew to over a half a million. From a consumer perspective, looking at her pictures her life was desirable and seemed nothing short of perfect. She has hit the headlines stating the exact opposite. She has called out saying she's quitting social media, she's deleted over 2000 of her Instagram photos and edited the captions of those remaining (example below).

After reading Glamour's article and some of Essena's newly edited captions, it really made me stop and think. I personally use social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter on a daily basis and it really made me realise how reliant I am on them. I don't know about anyone else, but if I take a good picture the likelihood is that it'll end up on my Instagram feed.

As expected, not everybody has felt sympathetic towards her. Some of her own friends have even  shot her down, claiming her to be 'fake' and using this stunt as 'shameless self promotion'. I don't know the girl so I can't fully judge her, but in my opinion I think she has perhaps gone a little overboard. Even if the life she showed on her social media platforms was too good to be true, a lot of people would quite frankly kill to have been in her position.

One think I have learned however, is that not everything on social media should be believed. People (myself included) only post things they want the world to see. I think everybody has been guilty of that at some stage to some degree.

What do you think?

Love, Lana Skye x 

Photo credit: Google Images.


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