Welcome back!
Summer has officially begun, not that the weather is doing it any justice. This year I'm spending three whole weeks in Mallorca with my beautiful family. We've just started our second week and were having the most amazing time ever! It has become a sort of tradition for us to come here in recent years, mainly due to it being just a short flight away and we've really fallen in love with the place.
Like any other person, my list of locations that I'd like to travel to both in and outside of Europe just keeps on growing by the minute, mostly fuelled by the amazing photography I see on Instagram. I thought I would share with you all my Top 5 (you have no idea how long it has taken me to filter this list down).
Here goes...
1. Oahu, Hawaii
My obsession with Hawaii sparked mainly through me following Amber Fillerup Clark on Instagram. Until very recently, her and her amazing little family moved from New York City to Oahu (talk about change!) I'm not exaggerating when I say that every single picture she uploaded during her time there looked as though it belonged in a look book or high end catalogue. The way of life over there comes across as so chilled out and peaceful - afternoons and weekends always being spent at the beach. I also adore the fact that everyone seems to walk around bare foot! The thought of having salty skin and messy waved hair 24/7 sounds like heaven to me. If you haven't checked out Amber on Instagram before then please do, her username is @amberfillerup. I'll include a few of my favourite pictures of hers below just to entice you even more! Oh and also, if you haven't seen the Disney movie Moana then you really should, if anything that secured my Hawaii obsession.
2. Australia
Yes this might be a tad generic and I probably couldn't be much further away but whenever I think about Australia I feel all warm and fuzzy. My dad spent a lot of his childhood living over there and I always love it when he tells me about the funny memories he has. I'm so fascinated by the fact that everything appears so different. It's all literally flipped upside down due to the weather timings being the exact opposite. I'm particularly interested to find out more about how this factor effects the fashion industry in that part of the world - I bet its major! A couple of Australia based influencers that I follow are Shani Grimmond and Tammy Hembrow, so definitely check them out if you haven't already! I'll leave some of their pictures below.
3. Tokyo
After living in New York, I've fallen in love with places that are always busy, constant opportunities forever being available to grasp. Tokyo is definitely one of those places! I'm so excited to be able to say that I will actually be going to Japan's busy capital city next year. Its always been one of those places that I've been aware of but until fairly recently I was never that motivated to go. But after reading up on it, I've become exposed to just how ultra-modern things are over there. They seem so overly advanced it's actually slightly scary! Even though it's a while away I have already started thinking about things I'd like to do whilst there. When do you ever hear anyone say "I'm going to Tokyo for a couple of weeks"? Its not exactly a standard destination to travel to so I really want to make sure I do as much as possible. Growing up I watched a lot of Studio Ghibli movies (if you have no idea what that is, give 'Spirited Away' a watch - one of my all time favourites!) and I recently discovered that theres a museum dedicated to them all so thats definitely on the agenda. I also discovered through Pinterest that there are loads of random super long slides located in parks in and around Tokyo which is so strange but I'm going to make it my mission to find one! I know I have already raved about Amber Fillerup, but I'll mention her again because she recently went on a trip with her family to Tokyo so I'll include some of her pictures below!
4. Finland
I think it was about a year ago that I saw a video on Facebook of glass igloo's that act as hotel rooms, so when people lie in their beds at night they're fully immersed in a snowy forest. What really sold it for me though was the fact that if you're lucky, you'll be able to catch a glimpse of the Northern Lights! I'd probably end up staying up the entire night too excited! I haven't visited a country during a proper snowy season in so long. The last time will have been back when I was in high school on a ski trip in Italy so a trip like this is long overdue. I love the thought of getting all wrapped up every day - sometimes the heat does get a little boring, not that we see much of it here in the U.K.
5. California
I mean, who in their right mind doesn't want to go to California, even if it is just once? Of course, I would want to make the most of the incredible shopping that they have over there (a picture in front of the pink Paul Smith wall is a must!) That being said, I feel so much more excited by other areas like Napa Valley. The scenery looks incredible and the weather is meant to be gorgeous most of the time. It's a region known for its wine too, which instantly makes me even more desperate to go! I won't lie, the Lindsay Lohan version of Parent Trap had a huge influence on my longing to visit this particular destination. (It's where Hallie and her dad Nick Parker live if you need your memory refreshing).
I hope you enjoyed this post!
Love, Lana Skye x
Photo Credit: Amber Fillerup, Shani Grimmond, Tammy Hembrow, Kakslauttanen.fi, Paul Smith Website.